This agreement is a legally binding contract between you and Facility Review Ltd. We,
Facility Review Ltd
PL12 4QR
, and you, the client.
1) Our responsibilities – we must always act in your best interest in pursuing your claim/s and where possible detail any
potential difficulties. We must give you our best advice about whether to accept any offer of settlement. We will destroy any
account statement or sensitive information provided by the bank in order to protect the confidential information contained
within them as soon as practical. Information will be held in accordance with the Data Protection Act where we are registered as
data controllers with the Information Commissioner.
2) Your responsibilities – you must give us clear instructions which allows us to do our work properly; you must not ask us to
work in improper or unreasonable way; you must not deliberately mislead us; you must co-operate with us when asked; you
must pay our fees detailed in this agreement; you must inform us if an offer is made or accepted by yourself following
communication with the bank. You the client understand and agree that there is no guarantee that Facility Review Ltd will be
able to successfully recover any, or all, of the charges, premiums or recoverable monies or financial benefit.
3) What happens if you win – if you win (which means that you receive reimbursement, costs, monies, debt reductions or any
monies recovered as a result of the action following acceptance of this agreement) you pay Facility Review Ltd 20% + VAT
(Equivalent to 24% inclusive) of the total monetary benefit paid, received or refunded following acceptance of this agreement.
Please find below an illustration of what our service fee would be if you obtained redress/compensation to the value of £1,000,
£3,000 and £10,000.
1. £240 inclusive if the client recovers £1,000 in redress/compensation].
2. £720 inclusive if the client recovers £3,000 in redress/compensation].
3. £2400 inclusive if the client recovers £10,000 in redress/compensation].
4) Cancellation of this agreement can be made at any time without being liable for a cancellation fee in writing, telephone or
email. However our fee is payable if cancellation is made when an offer has been made by the firm. Our fee of 20% + VAT
(Equivalent to 24% inclusive) will apply on any offer that has been made in writing or verbally to either ourselves or the client
prior to cancellation where our fee of 20% + VAT (Equivalent to 24% inclusive) will be payable.
5) The client is reminded before signing this agreement that they are entitled to seek further advice or shop around subject to
any time limits within which a claim must be made.
6) In the event of non-payment of Facility Review Ltd fees/invoice after the claim is concluded and any refund being made to the
client resulting in recovery being sought by means of a Court Claim or involvement of a registered Debt Collection Agency you
agree to reimburse Facility Review Ltd for any reasonable costs incurred in the recovery of this debt.
7) The provisions of this Agreement shall be governed by and construed in accordance with English law and subject to the
jurisdiction of the English courts.